
Washington's State Art Collection includes over 1,200 artists and grows every year. Almost half the artists are female-identifying (in contrast to many other art collections). And almost two-thirds of the artists are from Washington State and the broader Pacific Northwest. The Collection is one of the oldest and largest statewide public art collections in the U.S. with nearly 5,000 artworks.

Displaying artists with last names starting with R.

George Radebaugh

Bill Rades

Maya Radoczy

Greg Ragland

Roger Ralston

Kristen Ramirez

Heather Ramsay

Mary Randlett

Scott Chico Raskey

Christopher Rauschenberg

Patricia Ravarra

Erwin Redl

Terry Reed

Saiyare Refaei

Peter Reiquam, Frances Butler, and Marc Treib

Peter Reiquam

Gregg Renfrow

Dyan Rey

Lawney Reyes

Gil Reynolds

rhiza A+D

Kait Rhoads

Dan Rice

John Franklin Rice

Peter Richards and Sue Richards

Jolene Rickard

Patricia Ridenour

Claudia Riedener

Jenny Riffle

Robert Rigg

Don Rimx

Al Ring

Bill Ritchie

Connie Ritchie

Jim Rittimann

Sheila Ritz

John Rizzotto

Mauricio Robalino

David Robbins

Amy Roberts

Barbara Robertson

Cyrra C. Robinson

Sandra Robishaw

Joellyn Rock

John Rock

Alexis Rockman

Lynda Rockwood

John Rogers

John Roloff

Koryn Rolstad

Cara Romero

Dorothea Romero

Kay Rood

Marvin Rosenberg and Lilli Ann Killen Rosenberg

Joan Stuart Ross

Laura Ross-Paul

Susan Rostow

Carl Rowe

Brad Rude

Glenn Rudolph

Ginny Ruffner

Christy Rupp

Michele Russo

Deborah Rutherford

Lori Ryland