Arts Integration Resources for Early Learning Educators, Teaching Artists,
What is Arts Integration?
This short video defines the term ‘arts integration’. Click here to watch a version with audio description.
What is a Teaching Artist?
This short video defines the term ‘teaching artist’. Click here to watch a version with audio description.
Creative Start Lessons
These art-focused video lessons and downloadable lesson plans are designed for parents, families, caregivers, and educators of children ages 3 to 8. Have fun, find a new idea, relieve some stress, and make some art together!
Arts Integration Lessons
Drawing How We Feel with teaching artist Gloria Gonzáles García
Visual Art & Literacy/SEL
View/Download lesson plan:
Dancing Math Shapes with teaching artists Sabian Pleasant and Turner Cagle
Dance & Math
View/Download lesson plan:
Going Round and Round with teaching artist Gloria Gonzáles García
Visual Art & Math
View/Download lesson plan:
Beats, Rhythm, and Life with teaching artists Jefferson Greene and Gary Reed
Music & SEL
View/Download lesson plan:
What is Sharing? with teaching artists Zophia Olson and Dave Quicksall
Theatre & SEL
View/Download lesson plan:
Develop your own arts integration lesson using the template below:
Arts and Well-Being
Dance & Well-Being
Literary Arts & Well-Being
Music & Well-Being
Theatre & Well-Being
Visual Arts & Well-Being
Arts and Mathematics
Dance & Math
Literary Arts & Math
Music & Math
Theatre & Math
Visual Arts & Math
Want to Make Your Own Video Tutorial?
Many educators are making videos to support learning for the first time. Need some home production tips and tricks? Watch the videos below to learn how to make your videos more engaging for students.
An approach to teaching where traditional school content (such as math, science, literacy) is taught together with arts content (such as dance, media arts, theatre). This approach engages learners in a deeper understanding of shared concepts (such as pattern or volume) and supports student success in both arts and core content learning standards.
For a deeper dive, check out The Kennedy Center, Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM, Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts.
A way of teaching that invites student knowledge, culture, language, and experiences into the classroom. Culturally Responsive Teaching can be used in arts education to support the critical and creative thinking skills students need to succeed in school (21st century skills) and in life.
For a deeper dive, check out CRT & Zaretta Hammond, and Learning for Justice.
A child between the ages of 3 to 8 is considered an early learner. This spans preschool to 3rd grade.
Planning & Teaching Tools
Resources & Research
Special thanks to the Laird Norton Family Foundation for their support of the Creative Start program and dedication to increasing the growth of arts integration in public education.
Contact us
If you have any questions about the Creative Start program, please contact: Alexis Sarah, Project Manager: alexis.sarah@arts.wa.gov, 360-228-6359