Allen Moe

(American, born 1948)

Allen Moe creates art castings, paintings, and pottery inspired by patterns in nature. He uses naturally-sourced materials mixed with cement or common hardware store materials. The beauty of life is represented in his art. Moe was educated as a biologist.

Moe was born and raised in the Yosemite Valley in California. He received a Bachelor of Art degree in ecology from the University of California, Berkeley in 1970. He lived in Alaska for a decade homesteading and working as a seabird ecologist and Denali National Park Ranger before settling into making art. He has been a full-time working artist for over 40 years, living in Northwestern Washington on the mouth of the Skagit River and nearby Guemes Island.

You can watch a short video about Moe's art practice made by the Washington State Arts Commission in 2008 with support from the American Masterworks Program of the National Endowment for the Arts.